Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gimmie a Break!!

I was watching 11:00 news tonight, as I normally do, and as I watched story after story, something hit me! The news is becoming increasing difficult to bear. The 1st report that snagged my attention was about a father of four in NJ has been charged with setting his home on fire while the children were asleep in the home. The father set two fires one in the house and another outside of the house after having a heated argument with his wife. One of the kids were taken to the hosptial for smoke inhalation, and the home was so badly burned that they can no longer live in it. Pause for reaction... What the eff is wrong with this sociopath of a father? What kind of psycho do you really have to be in order to try to kill your own children over nothing? This is the kind of ishh that I see on the news that drives me up the wall. The father is currently being held on $200,000 bail, and I gotta tell ya, I think he shoulda been denied bail because the man is a hot burning mess!! Next, I heard about a 14 year old 9th grader who was hit by a bus while crossing the street, another damn foot ball player is in legal trouble (big surprise there) for getting caught with weed, the MTA plans on moving forward with an 8% fair hike and additional taxes on small business. But wait, it gets better, the unemployment rate is on a steady rise and GMC reported that they'll probably go bankrupt by the end of the month if the good ole government doesn't bail their asses out. At this point is it too much to ask for a fricken break from the depressing stuff? this was all reported within the 1st 18 minutes of the news being on! I feel like everytime I watch the news someone is either dead, dying, broke or facing jail time. We're already living in and dealing with this RECESSION, shouldn't that be enough torture? I think it is...

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