Sunday, November 16, 2008

No More Chuck E. Cheese Pleeeease!

As you all already know, I am a social worker. So every Monday I supervise a Parent/Child visit for two hours. I accompany a man and woman with their son into the community and observe their interaction, simple enough right? NOT!! EVERY STINKIN' MONDAY these parents decide to go to Chuck E. Cheese with their son, and I get the luxury of taggin' along. Now the first couple of times I really didn't mind, however, at this point I'm ready to blow a fricken fuse! I have had to go to Chuck E. Cheese more than any adult should ever have to. The one good thing is that because it's early in the day, and it's a weekday, the place is never jam packed with screamin' kids. However, I have made the final and irrevocable decision to never allow my kids to go to Chuck E.Cheese. I am traumatized to the point of no return. So now it's Sunday night and I'm dreading what I know I have in store for me tomorrow. Ughh!
Feel free to leave me your comments and suggestions. I need to convince these parents that there is life beyond that big friendly rat!


Unknown said...

May I suggest you bring your own little something to snack on... I went there a couple weeks back and it wasn't pretty later on that night... What was so funny was that the ppl I went with got the BG's immediately and I was like oh, c'mon guys it can't be that serious, it's just a little frozen pizza, etc... Honey! (I mean they both disappeared into the bathroom for like a good 20 mins a piece) it was nothing nice.. Mine hit me later on that night in the middle of a baby shower lmao...

So I say all that to say this... Ixney on the CC!! Please take my foolish advise. Leave them ppl an their kids to do them, but don't do it to yourself!


Ama said...

LMAO!!!! Girl I dread that place. I took my nieces to the one in Atlantic Mall once for a birthday party. About 2 hours into it I snapped and was like, "We have to go now!" They were like "But we didn't even get to cash in our tickets!" I assured them that they could cash them in the next time we visited Chuck E Cheese (Even though I knew that I was never going back). Looking back I guess my dramatic exit was a bit over the top but it was 5 O Clock on a Sat nite..which you know is primetime for madness