Saturday, November 29, 2008

Quote of the week:

"Did you see that comin' when she sat us down here?
Yea but I was hopin' she was expelled or into hard drugs.
Yea, that was my first instinct too, or a DWI, anything but this"


I was watching the movie Juno for the umpteenth time, and this part always cracks me up. The above line comes from the part of the movie where Juno has just told her parents that she's pregnant. I found it hilarious that they would've rather hear that she was on drugs or a criminal, then to hear that she was pregnant. Juno is an awesome movie, if ya haven't seen it, you most definitely should!

1 comment:

Dollface said...

Lmao. I love that movie, It's so witty and it has alot of dark, dry humor. I like comedies like that. I mean, she says " Normalcy is not my style" and I def feel her on that.